Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just finished a 3.75 run. The first one that I've done of this distance in, I'd say, six months. A couple of times I was able to open up my gait and run well. Others, I felt like a 55 year old man! Need to lose some pounds. Need to get my ankle used to the impact again!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Good to put together 3 days of training. Body felt like it was heavy running. Slow. But, I need to shed the pounds and stretch the muscles more. I should work on cutting, stopping and being aggressive more with my workouts. Explode! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Swam 1 mile @ Patullo. 20 laps freestyle (felt good and strong) 3 laps kicking, 3 laps pulling 2 laps kick, 2 pull, 5 pull w/buoy & 5 freestyle. 60 minutes

Monday, June 8, 2009


Ran 5.75 miles but at a slow pace of 9:15 per mile. 
Need to stretch more, but felt good as completed 5.0TE, 55'30.6 w/160 HR avg, 181 peak, 875 kcal burned.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Did 4.2 TE w/26miles bike and was tired! No legs on the climbs. Need to stretch out more and truly get into a rhythm for at least 3 weeks. Will try tomorrow. Bummed not to have ran today, but glad to get rest. Need to cut out dead time in front of TV. 
Swim tomorrow for 60 minutes would be good. Then run for 6 miles!

4:45 am wake up & go
5am swim
6am finish
6:30 am run!